We started as a group of women, sitting by the pool, all reading books when we decided why not read the same book and discuss it! Since then we’ve met almost regularly each year from 2001 through today. At first we met every month, then scaled that back, skipping December, and meeting only once during the summer. One year, we opted to meat only every other month, but through this we still continue.

We usually read nine to ten books a year, focusing mostly on fiction but with the occasional non-fiction and memoir thrown in.

Here’s a peek at our members.

steph_1Stephanie is a charter member of the Brunswick Book Babes. She’s a teacher’s aide in a local elementary school and when she’s not working, paying her husband back for past favors, hanging with her daughter, or walking her dog, Bandit, you may find her reading … ah who are we kidding? You’ll probably find her on the phone.




Kim is another charter member of the Brunswick Book Babes. She also happens to be Web Mistress as part of her business, SAHM Web Design. When she’s not working, riding her bike, playing candy crush on her computer or cooking, you’ll find her reading. Ha! Fooled you again, she’s probably sacked out on the couch, pigging out on Milk Duds and popcorn, watching some movie for the millionth time.


Renee another charter member, these days Renee “runs” her husband’s law office and her new jewelry business venture – Dangle Bobs, Baubles and Bling – with fellow book club member Pam.  However she has given up running sneakers for walking shoes – easier on the knees. Of the books we’ve read, her favorite is Unbroken as she enjoyed this story of courage and fighting spirit. Her least favorite?  The Amazing Adventure of Kavalier and Clay – she couldn’t get past first chapter. Her favorite place to read is on the Jersey Shore.


Ah Pam, another charter member, is the instigator to the Brunswick Book Babes (though she’d never come up with that name). Pam’s our answer to Jackie Kennedy and Martha Stewart all rolled into one. Her favorite book is Secret Life of Bees while her least favorite was Daughter of Fortune. She was born in Ohio but grew up in the south and her favorite movie is, the classic, Dr. Zhivago.


Lisa W

Lisa is the last charter member mentioned here. Her favorite book is Charlotte’s Web (good pick) while her least favorite is Blessings (which we did read). Her favorite musical group is The Rolling Stones (other than the Beatles, I think it was the only respectable group mentioned by any of our participants). Lisa needs a new picture because she’s retired and actually uses Skype to “attend” our meetings.

IboylaIbolya is our first new member to Brunswick Book Babes, though not really. If memory serves she was invited to join when we first formed but she blew us off. Ibolya adds an international flair to what some may consider our “provincial” group (wink, wink) . Ibolya too works as a teacher’s aide in our local school system and with Kari (see below) is probably our most avid reader.

KariKari is another “new ” member to Brunswick Book Babes. Though “new” is subjective as she’s been with us for years now. When Kari isn’t jet-setting around the country, she’s probably also curled up with a book as with Ibolya, she’s our most reader.